Dear Friends,

The DC Randonneurs Old Rag 200K Brevet is scheduled for Saturday, August 14, starting from the Howard Johnson's in Warrenton, Virginia at 7:00 a.m.  Registration opens at 6:00.

The cue sheet and GPS files are now posted at http://dcrand.org/blog/2010/08/10/cue-sheet-and-gps-files-for-august-14-warrenton-old-rag-200k-acp-brevet/. Please pay attention to the instructions for parking, and do NOT park at the HoJos or neighboring businesses.

We'll be following up with a mellow ride on Sunday, recycyling one which was scheduled earlier this month but which was canceled due to "weather" that never materialized:


"ALL ABOUT ABBOTTSTOWN," starting from the McDonald's in Thurmont, Maryland.  **LATE MEETING TIME 8:00 a.m.**  Aaah, a mellow ride today, one designed by our beloved bard, William Shakespeare Smith.  The route is a slight revision of one of Bill's Frederick Pedalers Century routes--I think it was 2004.  It's a delightful valley ride that heads east into Carroll County, MD and north into Adams County, PA, passing through Taneytown, Littlestown, and New Oxford on the way to lunch at the "new & improved" Emig's 81 Diner in Abbottstown.  On the way back we will have a brief encounter with Mt. Misery Rd but will elude the "miserable" molehill!   We'll also pass through Taneytown a second time, so you'll have two opportunities for a Sheetz fix on this ride if that's your kind of thing.  100 miles, with short options of 40 and 72 miles.  PLEASE EMAIL ME DIRECTLY IF YOU CAN JOIN US AND I'LL SEND YOU AN ELECTRONIC COPY OF THE CUE SHEET.  Note that I will only be bringing hard copies to the ride start for those who advise me that they're unable to print out the cue sheet themselves. 

Here are the directions to the ride start:


From DC Beltway, go north on I-270 to Frederick.  Continue North on US15.  In 14.9 miles, take the exit toward MD806/Thurmont (the last of three exits for MD806, the FIRST Thurmont exit).  At end of ramp turn right @SS, then QR @ traffic light onto Catoctin Furnace Rd, then QL at "Weis Entrance."  Park in the first lot on the left, across from McDonald's.
