We're not scheduling rides for Saturday and Sunday because we're riding the Fleche, but it you happen to be fortunate enough that you don't have to work this Friday, I hope you'll join Bill Smith and his merry band of Frederick Pedalers on their annual Spring Century. The route is basically the same as the Rolly Atkinson Memorial Century that we rode a couple weekends ago, only with a different ride start.
The details, graciously provided by Bill,are below, and also here: http://www.frederickpedalers.org/pages/ridesched_2010_04.htm. If you have any additional questions or want an electronic copy of the cue sheet, please contact Bill directly at smith.william0214@gmail.com.
April 23 (Fri) 8:00 am ALL 100/87/63 Utica District Park http://www.frederickpedalers.org/pages/ridestart.htm#uticadistrictpark
Spring Century
Pick up cue sheets from the Yahoo Site, the ride leader (via email) or at the start. We'll start out from Utica Park at 8:00 and ride to Emmitsburg to meet the metric century riders. From there, we depart at 9:30 and ride the same route for the next 62 miles. The century has shortcuts of 63 and 87 miles. The metric has shortcuts of 21 and 45 miles. Ride leader will stop for a sit-down lunch in Biglerville. Attendees will be encouraged to ride together as a team. Expect an average speed of about 14 mph. Century route is similar to last fall's century, but not identical. Metric is the same route as last fall. Rolling terrain, no killer hills. No official leader for the metric.
Spring Century
Pick up cue sheets from the Yahoo Site, the ride leader (via email) or at the start. We'll start out from Utica Park at 8:00 and ride to Emmitsburg to meet the metric century riders. From there, we depart at 9:30 and ride the same route for the next 62 miles. The century has shortcuts of 63 and 87 miles. The metric has shortcuts of 21 and 45 miles. Ride leader will stop for a sit-down lunch in Biglerville. Attendees will be encouraged to ride together as a team. Expect an average speed of about 14 mph. Century route is similar to last fall's century, but not identical. Metric is the same route as last fall. Rolling terrain, no killer hills. No official leader for the metric.
April 23 (Fri) 9:30 am ALL 62/45/21 Silo Hill Parkway, Emmitsburg http://www.frederickpedalers.org/pages/ridestart.htm#silohillparkway
Spring Metric Century
The metric has shortcuts of 21 and 45 miles. Ride leader will stop for a sit-down lunch in Biglerville. Attendees will be encouraged to ride together as a team. Expect an average speed of about 14 mph. Metric is the same route as last fall's metric century. Rolling terrain, no killer hills. No official leader for the metric.
Bonne route to all the Fleche teams, and see ya at the Marriott Sunday morning!